
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. A. Harris

Cllr. Mrs. J. Stickland


Cllr. T. Hancock

Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. C. Vercoe


Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. Mrs. H. Akehurst

Cllr. D. Williams


Cllr. T. Grose

Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse

1 Member of Public





Public Forum:-  Member of public attended in respect of the pre-school as the Church Hall is no longer fit for purposes.  The lease comes to an end next year and they are looking for either land or another building. They have had numerous meetings with the United Charity and more recently with the Recreational Committee.  They have looked at various sites and meetings with a modular building company. They are now looking at a site at the very top of the muga pitch and are pricing up for a timber framed building. They are hoping they now have this site set. Chairman said on behalf of the Parish Council, we will be discussing CIL money tonight and he thinks as far as we are concerned as long as it is within the parish, we do not have any concerns where it is. We are very supportive of the playschool finding new premises.  The Parish Council could be involved in assisting with the outline planning, the same as we have done in the past to the Sport and Recreation Trust. It appears this needs to be actioned before the next Parish Council Meeting. Chairman suggested we as the Sport and Recreation Trust to expedite this as soon as possible, via the member on the trustees.

Member of the public left the meeting at 7.21pm.



Apologies:- Councillors S. Jennings, D. Austin



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillors D. Batten and A. Harris declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.


Councillors D. Williams and A. Harris declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Charities.


Councillor T. Grose declared a non-registerable interest in respect of the possible planning application for the Under 5Õs building.



Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman:- Councillor D. Batten was nominated for Chairman. (Proposed: Councillor A. Harris; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton).  He duly accepted and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked the Parish Council.


Councillor D. Austin was nominated for Vice-Chairman. (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)



Election of Working Parties and Chairperson:-


Governance & Finance:- Councillors D. Austin, D. Batten, Mrs. J. Stickland, A. Barnaby, T. Grose with Councillor D. Austin nominated as Chairman.

Burial:- Councillors D. Batten, T. Hancock, A. Barnaby, T. Grose, D. Williams.


Services (Footpaths/Village Green/Public Conveniences):- Councillors D. Batten, T. Hancock, A. Barnaby, T. Grose, D. Williams.


(Proposed: Councillor T. Grose; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)

Action: Clerk to circulate paperwork.









Election of Representatives:-


Area Network and Rural Parishes:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton, D. Batten, S. Jennings as Parish representatives.  


Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust:-  Councillors A. Harris and Mrs. H. Akehurst nominated as the Parish representatives.


Camel Trail:- Councillors Miss P. Bolton and S. Jennings.


(Proposed: Councillor T. Grose; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)

Action: Clerk to circulate paperwork.










Minutes of the Monthly Main and Annual Parish Meetings held on Thursday 14th April 2022:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Main and Annual Parish Meetings held on the 14th April 2022 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Vice-Chairman (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)




Matters Arising from the Monthly and Annual Parish Meetings held on Thursday 14th April 2022:-


Page 1 Min.124/21 BT Pole:-  Clerk asked Councillors if the pole had been removed.  It was noted that it was still in place and notices are on advising removal imminent. Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up and copy Rachael Tatlow in.


Page 3 Min.89/22 Grasscutting:- Clerk reported there had been liaison and this would be reported by the Chairman under Village Green later on the agenda.


Page 5 Min.91/22 Annual Insurance Premium:- Clerk reported this had now been taken out for 1 year and then it could be reviewed next year to obtain further quotes. Clerk to liaise with CALC to perhaps put a survey out to Clerks regarding minimum and maximum rough figures for Parish Council insurance, not exact amounts Action: Clerk.



Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse








Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse reported as follows:-

á         I have received several emails and noted comments on Social Media regarding the dangerous driving along Truro Road. As the Chairman has pointed out this is classed by National Highways as a main trunk road and therefore, cannot be considered for the 20mph is plenty campaign. As there now appears to be damage to property is there any possibility of CCTV cameras in the centre of the village? I have on a previous occasion followed up the misunderstanding regarding where the 30mph was due to be extended to. I have been told that the 40mph is in place where it is as it complies with National Highways speed rules. I would concur the only successful way of controlling speed would be to have average speed cameras in place.


á         The Bridge at Ruthernbridge is now repaired. Withiel Parish Council are interested in installing a CCTV camera which would have to be on the Nanstallon side of the bridge. I do not favour asking residents to host this. I understand there is a suitable post with an electricity supply. Perhaps we can have a conversation about this. I have confirmation from Cornwall Highways that any property that is damaged by a car or lorry can claim as the victim for damages should there be photographic evidence. The damage at Hellandbridge which was caught on CCTV is being pursued in this manner. The only other idea is a rapid response camera which is put in and taken out and monitored by Tolvaddon. Chairman suggested all three parishes surrounding the bridge possibly contribute towards this. The other practical point is where a camera would be positioned is the angle of it so it can view the number plate. Lanivet Parish Council would have no objections to anything being put up at Ruthernbridge and we support the proposal by Withiel Parish Council to investigate the use of CCTV at Ruthernbridge (Proposed: Councillor; Seconded: Councillor) Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse.

á         The Lakeview (Waterside) complex has been recently purchased and I have seen plans for an Amendment to the provision of 36 Golf Homes. Perhaps we can discuss this at the meeting tomorrow. Clerk mentioned the Parish Council were unable to obtain an extension of time to discuss at our next meeting Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to establish whether this is any CIL money connected to this development, she will also query the access.

á         The embargo on the Camel SAC remains as Natural England produced some new data which affected the CouncilsÕ calculator.  Work continues to go ahead to find solutions that are workable. I attended a presentation which gave all the options available for mitigation and it was clear that some of the solutions would involve developers in considerable expense. Some solutions would take years to provide results.

á         Average speed cameras, she asked how much more it would cost.  Chairman reported it would be approximately £40,000. Chairman asked if Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse could take the lead on this Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. CruseÕs for her report and attending the meeting this evening and for everything she does.



















Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse






Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Maintenance of Verges in the Parish and update on report from Cormac):-


Highway Issues:- None.

Maintenance of Verges in the Parish:- Chairman reported after speaking with Rachael Tatlow they were going to finish tidying up the footpath area from St. Benets Abbey into the village. The other matter was the 5.2 metres for the trees to be taken down. Rachael Tatlow had sent a map which was an extract from the Land Registry that shows the problem we have on Truro Road.

Everything on the inside of the footpath is usually the landowners responsibility and is in parts of the village, however, when you get below the Fish and Chip Shop, it appeared the boundary finished at the river and not at the footpath. It was suggested that Rachael Tatlow looks at the Land Registry to establish who is responsible for what in the whole of the area walked.  Councillor A. Barnaby advised she had taken details of properties and was going to approach homeowners to tidy their hedges back and send out someone to review what needed action. They were also going to clear the area at Lamorrick. Chairman and Clerk to liaise with Rachael Tatlow Action: Clerk/Chairman.

Footpaths:- Change of Right of Way at Lamorick, Lanivet Ð Clerk reported an update had been received as follows Ð We are just about to embark on a round of landowner consultations/informal consultations, however, as this is a recent case you may not receive anything until later this year as we have a back log of over 100 cases awaiting consultation. When we do carry out the consultation, we will be looking for evidence to either support or refute the status of a path. Matters such as privacy, unsuitability or lack of use for instance are not relevant when considering if historical public rights exist, so that is something to bear in mind for the future. In preparation for the consultation if you, or your Parishioners, are interested in researching the background to this case and seeing what documentary evidence exists then I would suggest a visit to Kresen Kernow Kresen Kernow Ð A home for Cornwall's archives to look at the available historical documentation for themselves. It is also worth reading one of the CouncilÕs Decision Reports to gauge the type of information that we will be looking for. Examples can be found here Definitive Map Modification Order Reports - Cornwall Council Action: Keep Pending. 


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse left the meeting at











Clerk/ Chairman














Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received (Including Possible Planning Application for Under 5Õs building): -  


Planning Applications:-


PA22/03304 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Cooper-Kimpton Ð Proposed side extension and side infill, replacing existing conservatory, Morwenna House, Road from Bodreath to Ty Cornel, Nanstallon - Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Planning Officers recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton)


PA22/03809 Ð Mr. Difford Ð Construction of side and rear partially hipped single storage extension with associated internal remodelling, Blencartra House, Kirland Bower, Bodmin - Support (Proposed: Councillor A. Harris; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)


PA22/02752 Ð Mr. Michael Lobb Ð Construction of covered yard in association with existing farm operations, Penvercoe Farm, Ruthern, Bodmin - Support (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst)


Chairman raised planning application received, we had requested an extension of time, but it was not permitted:-

PA22/04270 Ð Park Holidays UK Limited Ð Non-material amendment (NMA2) in relation to Decision Notice PA10/05936 (NMA PA14/07963) dated 25/11/2010 for amendments to the approved layout and construction of 36 golf lodges, Lakeview Country Club, Lanivet Ð This application was discussed and there is nothing the Parish Council could do as sent too late for our agenda  


Councillor T. Grose declared a non-registerable interest in respect of the following matter to be discussed:-

Possible Planning Application for Under 5Õs building:- Chairman reported following public forum earlier, we as such cannot put the planning application in as this is something the Charities need to so. 

It was resolved to fund the outline planning application (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.


























Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations (Including Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Payments):- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for May 2022 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby;  Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton)

Cornwall ALC Limited


Membership 2022/2023

Mr. A. J. Barnaby



Gallagher Insurance


Annual Insurance Renewal

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Cornwall ALC Limited


Training - Chairman

Designed 2 Create


Signs for Cemetery

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited


Interment Ð Heard

Rospa Playsafety Limited


Annual Play Inspection

British Gas



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



K.F. Bartlett Limited


Final Payment for Cafe

Lloyds Bank Ð Service Charges


May 2022

DMC-IT Ð Website Updating


April 2022

Mrs. J. Burdon Salary & Expenses


May 2022

CC Pension Scheme


May 2022

Inland Revenue Ð Income Tax


May 2022

Receipt: Lanivet School



Approval for payment of invoices from The Lawn Ranger in the sum of £1,170.99 for April (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor D. Williams) Action: Clerk. £878.58 for May subject to Councillors A. BarnabyÕs approval, once work has been checked (Proposed: Councillor C. Vercoe; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock) Action: Clerk. It was noted the Village Green is looking excellent and it was agreed to confirm this.


It was agreed to include Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland on approval for these invoices going forward as she makes a note of the dates of mowing Action: Clerk.


Chairman reported an email has been received from the Contractor and he would like to through this with Councillors A. Barnaby and D. Williams to agree exactly what is required and when, Park, Village Green and Cemetery twice a month Action: Chairman/Councillors A. Barnaby and D. Williams.

Debit Card application:- Clerk reported we were still waiting for the debit cards to arrive Action: Keep Pending.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Payments:- Chairman reported confirmation had been received advising on the CIL payment of £2,229.29 and would like to set this aside for the Under 5Õs in the first instance (Proposed: Councillor D. Williams; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) All in favour






















Chairman/ Cllrs. A. Barnaby/ D. Williams






Pre-Approval of Unaudited Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2022:- Chairman reported on draft accounts and agreement on specific funds.  It agreed to accept the specific reserves. Chairman reported on the reserves and noted the Sport and Recreation funds was the kitchen we agreed to pay for instead of giving the £5,000 per year and making a one-off payment  (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland)



Councillor A. Harris queried the Section 106 funding for Tremore development and when the Parish Council is likely to receive.  It was agreed to liaise with Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to establish who looks after Section 106 funds and to establish whether the Parish Council can receive and why we have not been approached, especially as the development was in Lanivet Parish Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse.







Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- No update.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Apologies received so no monthly report, he will send next month.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  No update.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters (Including Approval of Cemeteries and Play Area Weed Spray Quotation for works following Site Meeting):- Ropsa Annual Play Inspection report circulated, paper copy passed to Councillor A. Barnaby. Chairman reported there were comments on the zip wire. It was proposed to send the report to Outdoor Play People regarding the rubber matting (to be done as a separate quote and if they cannot do request a recommendation) and zip wire comments, to have it inspected and obtaining a quote for any necessary works, to ask firstly when they last carried out works and ask them to liaise with Councillors A. Barnaby and T. Hancock (CJ is the contact) (Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.


Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland reported on two areas sunk in.  Councillor A. Barnaby reported this needs patching, he has filled with chippings, but they have washed out.


Approval of Cemeteries and Play Area Weed Spray Quotation for works following Site Meeting:- Chairman reported we met with the Weed Treatment Contractor last Saturday and concluded that we had him doing some and out Grasscutting Contactor doing some and it made more sense for one Contractor to carry out all weed treatment.  Longer term we want the Village Green to be properly managed with weed and feed, etc. Quote received from our Contractor in the sum of £360.00 plus vat.  It was resolved to approve (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst) Action: Clerk.


Lanivet Car Park:- Chairman raised two vans parked for two weeks in the Car Park, they are both taxed and have mot. Because of the size one of them are backed into the bank. This Car Park is not for this type of parking, it is for daily use.

Chairman asked if anyone knows the owner and whether they could speak to them, advising it needs to be moved in two weeksÕ time. Councillor A. Barnaby suggested a notice to be put on from the Lanivet Parish Council requesting it is removed. Councillor Miss P. Bolton advised the Parish Council should be informed of people parking for more than two days. Councillor A. Harris suggested a notice in the noticeboard advising anyone parking for more than two days should inform the Parish Council of their reasons.  Chairman suggested keeping a watch on the two vehicles.  It was agreed to put a notice up Ð please contact the Parish Clerk as your vehicle has been left for more than a 24-hour period Action: Clerk to obtain details as this is under review, name address, contact number, email address and vehicle registration number.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.  


Councillor A. Barnaby reported a tree needs removing on the Village Green.  Chairman suggested details are passed to the Clerk to obtain a quote for TPO application, removal and replacement Action: Clerk.


Councillor C. Vercoe reported on the ruts at the top of the tree and the tree purchased for the bottom of the Village Green which is not an oak tree. It was suggested a copper beech was purchased to replace it.  This is the tree is the one that Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse planted, and we need to know what it is and who supplied it Action: Clerk to ask Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to establish what make the tree is.



































Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton sent a report which was circulated to Councillors advising there has been a number of complaints regarding the incorrect signage on the Camel Trail. This has been reported and will be rectified in the near future.



Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials, inscriptions; (b) Letters in respect of unauthorised surrounds and items; (c) Photographing of Burial Records):- No memorial applications received.


Letters in respect of unauthorised surrounds and items:- It was resolved to send letters as circulated (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor A. Harris) Action: Clerk.


Photographing of Burial Records:-  Clerk reported an email had been received from John Evans in respect of photographing burial records to be included in an online database, which currently contains about 4.4 million records in all.  Clerk had been in touch with other local Clerks, some who have had this take place and had also contacted Cornwall Association of Local Councils who suggested speaking with other Clerks to ask how the process went, so that the Parish Council can decide whether to release the records.  It was resolved to go ahead and ask whether we will be receiving an electronic copy of the records and if reproduced, there needs to be a note to the effect it is produced by permission of Lanivet Parish Council.  It was resolved to go ahead and ask questions as mentioned (Proposed: Councillor D Williams; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland) Action: Clerk.
















Public Conveniences Update:- Councillor A. Barnaby reported all is going well, there have been a couple of small problems.  It was agreed the Contractor will now report any issues to him.



The QueenÕs Platinum Jubilee Beacons:- Councillor A. Harris reported on the cost of fireworks, which was in the region of £300-£400.


Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported on bunting, and she would send details to the Clerk to purchase for the Parish Council Action: Councillor Miss P. Bolton/Clerk.


Councillor Miss P. Bolton left the meeting at 9.28pm.


Councillor A. Harris reported on the mugs and Clerk will now place order and liaise with him regarding final numbers.  It was agreed to order 14 mugs to be purchased for Councillors, Clerk and Cornwall Councillor Action: Clerk. 



Next Jubilee Meeting will be held on the 24 May 2022 in the Community Hall.  He then proceeded to go through the events. The lighting of the Beacon and fireworks.  It was agreed to leave fireworks on this occasion due to cost and health and safety issues.


Chairman queried how we would present mugs to the schools. Councillor A. Harris reported all we can do is take to the school for them to distribute amongst the children or Councillors volunteers to go into the School and present the cases of mugs to the Head Teacher to be included in the village newsletters. Chairman agreed he would be more than happy to liaise with the Head Teacher to present.



Cllr. Miss P. Bolton/ Clerk





Lanivet Parish Historic Buildings (Including (a) Lanivet & District Under Fives Church Hall and proposals; (b) Nanstallon Chapel Update):-


Nanstallon Chapel Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported an update on the Nanstallon Chapel - This was recently posted on Facebook by the Chapel Committee - We have communicated to the Local Methodist Circuit that we as a village would like to acquire the Chapel for use as a community hall. The local Methodist Circuit have held many meetings and obtained a valuation report on the methods and value of any disposal. To date they have only responded to us verbally, indicating that locally they are supportive of our request. It is, however, not totally the Local Circuits decision, as they have to send a report on their decisions to the Methodist HQ in Manchester. The latest information is that this has been done and they are hoping that Manchester will approve disposal by  the Local Circuit, possibly within 6 weeks. In order to safeguard the village acquiring the Chapel we have applied to have the building designated as a community asset, thus if approved preventing its sale for housing for a period of time. We may also need to formalise the permissive right of way through the Chapel grounds from Institute Hill to Chapel Road. In order to do this, we will need written statements from users indicating itÕs use for 20 years. We are now at a stage where we feel another Village meeting is necessary to fully update the Villagers and to confirm their desire and commitment to acquire the Chapel and set up a Charitable Incorporated Organisation [CIO] with Trustees, Members and Committee to proceed to the next stage. We will, therefore, be holding a Village meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 3rd of May in St Stephens Church (as this is the only venue big enough to hold a large number of people). Please find time to attend and have your say. This may be our only chance of acquiring the Chapel for the benefit of the Village. Interim Community Hall Group. Please pass this information on to anyone not on Facebook. Notices will be posted on the notice boards and in the bus shelter.






Community Task Force:- Councillor A. Harris reported years ago there were people in the parish that would carry out different jobs. There are small works that are required with the community, and he would like to find a way of going out to the parish and see if anyone was interested in starting a small community project.  It was agreed to keep on the next agenda Action: Clerk.





Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported Facebook and the Website continue to be updated monthly. Chairman reported the newsletter has gone out recently.




1.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Newsletter Ð 6th May 2022

2.    NALC Ð Events Ð Fighting Climate Change

3.    CALC Ð NALC Direct Funding Survey

4.    CALC Ð Smaller Councils Policy Issues Consultation

5.    CALC Ð Teams Meeting: Cornwall Council restructure, business and budget planning, Town and Parish Council Update  Thursday 28th April at 11.30am

6.    NALC Ð Make a Change

7.    NALC Ð Chief ExecutiveÕs Bulletin

8.    Alan Percy Ð Failures at Cornwall Council

9.    Cornwall Community Land Trust Ð Webinar Invite Ð How to Build Affordable Homes and Combat the Climate Emergency

10. CALC Ð Homes for Cornwall/Civic Lantern circulation of flyers

11. CALC Ð Training Schedule Ð May to June 2022 and Expression of Interest Form

12. Cornwall Council Ð St. Austell China Clay Restoration & Tipping Strategy

13. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Meeting Ð Wednesday 3rd March Ð 5.00pm-6.30pm

14. CALC Ð Slides from Cornwall Council Finance Briefing

15. CALC Ð News Round-up

16. Cornwall Council Ð Homes for Cornwall

17. CALC Ð Chief ExecutiveÕs Bulletin

18. NALC Ð Newsletter

19. Ocean Housing Ð Stakeholder Survey 2022

20. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

21. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð May 2022 Employer Newsletter

22. Chairman of Peninsula Transport Ð Sub-national Transport Bodies Conference Ð 26th May 2022

23. Cornwall Council Ð Forest for Cornwall Spring Newsletter 2022

NALC Ð Local Elections 2022



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Vice-Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):- None.



Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 16th June 2022 at 7.00pm to be held in the One for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.55pm.







Date:        16th June 2022