
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. O. Sleeman



Cllr. T. Hancock

Cllr. Mrs. C. Eddy

Cllr. A. Barnaby


Cllr Mrs. J. Dent

Cllr. S. Walker

Cllr. C. Vercoe


Cwll Cllr. C. Batters







Public Forum:-  None.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.

Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.

Councillor S. Walker declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Village Newsletter.

Councillor D. Carter declared via email a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust and Lanivet United Charity Trust as he had sent a report this evening.



Apologies:- Councillors D. Carter, A. Harris, Mrs. J. Stickland, Miss P. Bolton



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 18th June 2020:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 18th June 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the Chairman at a future physical meeting (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 18th June 2020:-


Page 1 Min.53/20 Yurt at Nanstallon:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters advised this had been reported, however, no Officers are currently going out on site, so it will be actioned in due course Action: Keep Pending.


Page 2 Min.116/20 Vehicles striking Dropped Drain:-  Clerk reported this had been forwarded to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor C. Batters would follow up again.


Page 3 & 4 Min.122/20 Internal Auditors Report:-  Clerk reported the matters raised will be dealt with in due course by herself and the Chairman Action: Clerk/Chairman.


Page 5 Min.125/20 Seat at Reperry Cross:-  Clerk reported she had received the link from Councillor A. Barnaby for a 3-seater bench from Kedel, he advised we could bolt to the existing concrete base with no extra charge, only fixings.  This is Eco-Friendly plastic so no maintenance.  The cost of the bench is £387.79 including vat. 


Clerk reported this needs to be purchased on-line and it was suggested calling the company to purchase and arrange payment by bank transfer and Clerk to also complete the necessary forms for the community chest funding.  Councillor S. Walker reported he is hoping to speak with John Kingdon to get some boulders put up and, in the meantime, he requested the Clerk asks The Lawn Ranger to strim all the area before the bench is put in place.  Delivery address for bench to be arranged with Councillor A. Barnaby and Barry Cornelius, hopefully we can deliver to the Community Hall (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent) Action: Clerk.


Page 7 Min.131/20 Mulching at Cemetery:-  Clerk reported she had now informed the Parish Tree Warden the are had been sprayed off.  He responded advising as it had been sprayed recently, he would need to wait for a few weeks to a month for the vegetation to die off.  He would walk past on a regular basis to keep an eye on them and then set a date nearer the time.  The mulching should only take an hour or so Action: Keep Pending.



Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Clerk/ Chairman


















Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported as follows:-

á         He has investigated a few individual matters for residents in the last month.

á         There have been issues in Lamorick with one resident, which has been ongoing.  He had arranged a meeting with the Police for a meeting regarding this.  They are, however, on the way to solving the issue.  Risk Assessments will be carried out regarding this.  Every individual issue that is a problem, especially if threatening and abusive, people are informed to call 999 to follow up.  He would be happy to follow up with Police Headquarters himself if needs be.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report.



Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish:-

Highway Issues:- Clerk reported on behalf of Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland on a bad pothole as you come into the village of Lanivet from the top roundabout just before St. Benets Abbey Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters.


Councillor Mrs. J. Dent on reported on the double yellow lines round by Nanstallon School which are looking fine.  She has noticed between the Bus Shelter and first bungalow, nothing to do with school but residents seem to be ignoring the yellow lines and parking on them, she does not know what can be done.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported that if the yellow lines are prominent and clear the Parish Council can write to him direct to raise the problem and he can pass to Enforcement Team who can attend and issue tickets Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters, once Councillor Mrs. J. Dent has forwarded on relevant information to relay.


Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported on the bad state of the road from Treningle (JimÕs Cash and Carry) towards Tremayle Farm, the road has several potholes which seem to be reoccurring ones, it is really quite rough now Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters, once Councillor Mrs. J. Dent has forwarded on further information to the Clerk.


Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported going down towards the camp site over the river bridge in Nanstallon, since lockdown there has been people parking their cars to use the Camel Trail, we need to keep our eye and monitor the situation as it could make traffic having difficulties coming over the bridge.

Councillor S. Walker queried when the traffic calming would start in the village.  Councillor D. Batten advised it is hoped it will commence in November 2020.


Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy reported on the traffic system at the Recycling Centre and it has been altered again.  Now when you come out you can go right and up the hill.  On Monday there were people coming down the hill that were not going to the Recycling Centre and going straight on and there were several instances with cars going out turning right up the hill and meeting each other, so it was a bit chaotic.  Councillor S. Walker reported on how several local people had said how much better it was in Lamorick.  Councillor D. Batten hopes that at a later date to keep the system in place it is hoped that Cormac will look at this favourably.


Footpaths:-  Clerk reported that she had emailed Cornwall Council to establish whether we can arrange a third cut to be paid out of the budget agreed and will notify Councillors when a response has been received Action: Clerk.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  No Update.

Cornwall Councillor C. Batters left the meeting at 7.38pm.


Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters




Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters/ Cllr. Mrs. J. Dent


Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters/ Cllr. Mrs. J. Dent


















Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Lanivet Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


PA20/05156 Ð Ms. Joanne Hackney Ð Alterations to the Grade II Listed Lodge and conversion of outbuilding/garage to a self-contained one-bedroom annex for use as a holiday let, Tremore Lodge, Bodmin Ð It was recommended to go with Planning OfficerÕs recommendations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)


PA20/05157 Ð Ms. Joanne Hackney Ð Listed Building Consent for Alterations to the Grade II Listed Lodge and conversion of outbuilding/garage to a self-contained one-bedroom annex for use as a holiday let, Tremore Lodge, Bodmin Ð It was recommended to go with Planning OfficerÕs recommendations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)


PA20/05381 Ð Mr. Paul Williams Ð Construction of 2 x detached houses on existing garden plot of Fontana. Plot 1 with internal garage and Plot 2 with detached garage. New Access to highway for existing property, Fontana to provide parking, Fontana, Clann Lane, Lanivet Ð Next Agenda Ð Extension of time requested


Planning Results Received:- 

PA20/03421 Ð Miss Megan Urell Ð Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) to Application No. PA19/00663 dated 10th April 2019 for the Construction of a 3 bedroom house Ð At the point of commissioning the technical design it became apparent to the applicant that the initial design of internal layout and overall dimensions were not conductive to construction or the living and working requirements of the applicant. 

More details design brief has been undertaken and more detail is now available as to overall design, layout and external finishing. The resulting design is slightly higher due to an increase in roof pitch more commensurate with local design styles and proportions and in the interest of improved runoff and functionality. The building design is slightly longer to provide the necessary accommodation. This is to compensate for a reduced ground floor area which has been reduced in width to allow natural southern light to be introduced to the ground floor and avoid burying the ground floor south elevation into the slope of the site, thereby avoiding higher costs associated with retaining structures. External materials are also consistent with the rural location and agricultural style of the existing agricultural buildings, Happy for the existing condition wording to remain unchanged but make reference to the updated designs enclosed with this application, Land North of The Forge, Nanstallon Ð Approved


PA20/03439 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Giles Pearson Ð Retention of the Subdivision of an existing house to create a single self-contained dwelling-house with parking and amenity, Lower Great View, Clann Lane, Lanivet - Approved


PA20/03534 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Neville Ð Construction of single storey extension to create kitchen/diner with associated external remodelling, Gold Bank Cottage, Chapel road, Nanstallon Ð Approved


PA20/00839/PREAPP - Mr. T. Orchard Ð Pre application for advice for change of use of land to a private gypsy/traveller site comprising of 2 pitches with associated works including 2 mobile homes, 2 touring caravans and 2-day rooms, Land North of Higher Rosewarrick, Lanivet Ð Closed Ð Advice Given


Planning Correspondence Received:-  


PA19/10194 Ð Mr. Thomas Ð Fenwick House, Dunmere, Bodmin- Appeal Decision Ð Dismissed, no costs claimed.



























Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for July 2020 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker): - 

Paul Bazeley Bus Shelter Cleaning


June 2020

British Gas Ð Electric for Toilets


7/5/20 Ð 9/6/20

DMC IT Ð Website Maintenance


June 2020

Eric Brown Plumbing & Heating


Toilet Repairs

Lloyds Bank Ð Bank Charges


July 2020

Complete Weed Control


Weed Treatment

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


July 2020

AJH Services Ð Toilet Cleaning


July 2020

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited


Interment (Trudgian)

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


June 2020

Inland Revenue


June 2020

Receipt: Cornwall Council


Footpath Reimbursement

Receipt: Bodmin Funeral Services


Interment (Leach)

Receipt: R.J. Bray & Sons


Interment (Trudgian)

Receipt: HMRC


Vat Reimbursement


Invoice received from Jack Kingdon in the sum of £1,908.00 to fix height barrier and wood posts in the Car Park at the Community Centre. It was resolved to pay this invoice as it relates to the Car Park which the Parish Council paid for and we can then recover the vat.  This was supported as it benefits the whole community (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action: Clerk.

Budget Monitoring Statement discussed and approved (Proposed: Councillor D.  Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)

Chairman had circulated an email on the Community Centre activity supporting the vulnerable within the Parish (a few outside the Parish too).  Age Concern can no longer supply the electric vehicle free of charge.  He does not think the costs are extortionate and since the Parish Council have not spent a penny on the Virus challenges, he would ask Councillors to consider a donation to the Community Centre of £500.00 prior to Barry Cornelius supplying details of costs if he requires further funding in the future?  He is acutely aware that the Community Centre is asking a lot recently but is the jewel in the crown and it is a Parish asset even through a separate charity runs it.  It was resolved to donate a sum of £500.00 to the Community Centre (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action: Clerk.































SSL Certificate for Lanivet Website Hosting and Security:-  It was resolved to obtain details from Dinah Crellin on how many people are using our website so we can discuss and include on the next agenda Action: Clerk.




Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- No update.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Councillor D. Carter reported via email as follows:-


Firstly the One For All:- The height restriction barrier to the car park is now complete and hopefully will prove effective. The hall interior decorating is ongoing. The hall is now open again complying with all regulations, the necessary risk assessments having been carried out. Meetings are taking place including those booked by Cornwall Council and the NHS, Plymouth Argyle Football Club Youth activity training return next week, various future bookings have also been taken.


Bookings for the MUGA have been very busy with tennis and various activities taking place throughout daylight hours. Final design for the Coffee Shop/CafŽ has been completed and we are ready to apply for building regulations, prices for work is being obtained from contractors.


Secondly Covid-19 Lock Down:- Barry Cornelius and his team are continuing with their efforts fetching carrying and delivering to parts of the parish that they never knew existed. Age UK, because of the drain on their resources during these times have had to stop offering the minibus free of charge. We will continue to operate the service free when needed, contributions from the Parish Council would be greatly appreciated. We are in discussions with the two main surgeries planning for future eventualities.  


Summary of Activity Ð 23rd March to 30th June 2020:-  Prescriptions delivered = 261; Shopping deliveries = 3,225; Medical appointments = 33. 


Number of Volunteers:-  First Contact Points = 17; Drivers = 7.

Analysis by Parish by Households Ð some households have more than one prescription - These figures are only those that have been reported and do not include the many journeys carried out by some of the first contacts.
















































St. Neot




St. Tudy








St. Wenn
























Action: Clerk to liaise with Barry Cornelius to establish whether he is happy for the Parish Council to include these figures on our Facebook page.








































Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported via email as follows Ð The Network Panel is still unable to meet but she gave a brief update from Sarah Sims:-

á         Last month they held a paired back meeting of the voting representatives and Cornwall Councillors.  At this meeting they agreed to continue with the virtual meetings for the time being and the group felt that they would like to see this run monthly.

á         Sarah Sims is aware that some struggle with the Microsoft Teams platform that issued. 

á         She has not received a list of the planned meetings yet. In the interim Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters has agreed to chair these monthly meetings, as she had had some difficulty accessing the Microsoft Teams platform.

á         There is a meeting planned for the Network Panel Chairs on the 16th July 2020. She would up-date on any interesting points following that meeting.

Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported further following a meeting she attended today and said she would circulate a full report in due course.  She was particularly interested to see how other Parishes are coping with virtual meetings and are looking to do some meetings in the future this way, i.e. planning.  It was also suggested to send letters to local businesses expressing thanks from the Parish Council for their contributions during Covid-19. 


Update from Councillor D. Batten:-  He is in the throes of trying to link Bodmin Church (Elaine), Council Ward Members, the local schools to work together to ensure vulnerable children (families) do not starve during the summer holidays. 

It has come to light that some 1.3 million UK children return to school each autumn malnourished.  Personally, he thinks this is a scandal and all MPs should hang their heads in shame governing the 7th wealthiest country on the planet and having third world conditions for millions of its children.  It seems there are a number of cabinet members in London opposed to extending free school meals to the summer holidays.  Evidently that have no notion of what starvation entails and what it leads to.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter:-   Councillor T. Hancock requested a printed copy of the Rospa Report Action: Clerk.


Play Equipment:- Clerk reported paperwork had now been received from CALC regarding re-opening of the play area.  It was resolved to re-open with relevant notices being put up and risk assessment being carried out and including on Parish Council Website (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk/Councillors T. Hancock, A. Barnaby, S. Walker to liaise and arrange to put up.


Lanivet Car Park:-  Email received from Baker Toms thanking the Parish for the support over the last few months allowing them to visit with their mobile bread van.  They are keen for it to continue; however, the routes will be changing. They asked if the Parish Council would be happy for them to continue with their visits on a Friday morning at 10.00am for 30 minutes.  This week will remain as normal, but the changes will take place from next week.  If the Parish would rather, they no longer visit they understand but would like to know.  It was resolved to confirm the Parish Council are very happy for them to continue to visit (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action: Clerk.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.

















Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported via email the surfacing has now been completed on the Nanstallon stretch of the Camel Trail, with a fabulous finished result.  Work is commencing on the river and vegetation at the old gaging station, but this does not have an impact on Trail users.  Grogley Bridge remains open for pedestrians and cyclists. 



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- Clerk reported on email received regarding Japanese Knotweed from parishioner which was actioned Ð response from Complete Weed Control advised all the Japanese Knotweed in the Cemetery had been sprayed along with the larger stems growing in the bramble thicket near the wall boundary of No. 1 Woodland Close.  This bramble area ideally needs to be cut down to allow easier access for future knotweed treatment. The ivy along this wall is also causing damage to it and cracks have appeared due to the ivy growth pushing through and cracks are visible from the other side.  He advised to allow at least 3 weeks for the Japanese Knotweed to due back before any strimming works and where possible avoid cutting the knotweed although given the herbicide dose it is just had he doubts any would spread from strimming activities.


A further email had been received from owner of No. 1 Woodland Close advising he had seen the Contractor on the day he carried out his work and let him into his garden so he was able to let spray the knotweed from their side of the wall as he could not actually fully from the Cemetery side.


The problem was too over-grown brambles and other weeds/shrubs which meant he would not even have seen the knotweed to then spray it. The overgrown brambles and other weeds have a two-fold problem in relation to the knotweed, i.e. masking and hiding it and preventing it from being sprayed and controlled. The new growth reported had clearly been growing for some years, hidden under the brambles, weeds and shrubs. He suggested the weed control and grasscutting staff to collaborate to carry out a managed and controlled bramble/other weed removal, as opposed to simply cutting and strimming it all back. The latter would probably be against all guidance and simply cut the knotweed down which would contaminate elsewhere and also prevent there being any leaf growth for spraying resulting in no effective control.  On further problem is the damage it is doing to the boundary wall, which in one segment is a danger of the top coping falling away. This is due to the unrestricted growth on the Cemetery side. The growth has got so high that the wind catches it and could simply pull the top coping and stones off.  He has cut away a large amount of the growth but simply cannot get to all of it as it is on the Cemetery side.  He is now concerned that he has seen some knotweed close to the wall and so he will not cut the top anymore as he may be in danger of cutting knotweed should the weed get any closer.


It was resolved to respond we need to wait a month for everything to die down and then arrange cutting back in due course (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action: Clerk































Public Conveniences Update:-  Clerk reported on an email received from Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland suggesting the public conveniences are closed at their regular time as there are a lot more visitors and locals using the Village Green.  It was resolved to ask AJH Services to close the Public Conveniences at 7.00pm (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.


Risk Assessment received from AJH Services for the Public Conveniences, advising the following Ð There is only one person currently working at Lanivet Toilets and as such did not originally perform a paper assessment.  AJH Services assessed any risk to the individual attending the site and also to the public in the light of the current pandemic.  In order to ensure a high standard of cleanliness, Lanivet Toilets received a deep clean and were sanitized thoroughly. This action is maintained with a daily clean of an equally high standard and locked at night. Legionnaire testing is undertaken frequently and is at a satisfactory level. In the Gents area, the urinals did not flush automatically and so were flushed through regularly manually. With the recent work being done with the plumbing flushing is now automatic. They are given a good clean at the end of each day. Signs have been put up advising a one in, one out policy which appears to be working well. In the Ladies, three cubicles have been closed off, enforcing the one in, one out policy. Signs have also been put up. Signs have also been installed to make the public aware of safety to themselves and others (in the Ladies, Gents and Disabled) with emphasis on washing their hands regularly, also to give advice on what they should do in the event they experience any symptoms.






Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported the Website and Facebook are being updated regularly.   Councillor S. Walker reported the Newsletter will be going out as normal and being hand delivered.




1.    Cornwall CLT Ð June 2020 News

2.    Cornwall Council Ð Virtual Fixed Penalty Notice Training for Town/Parish Councils on Friday 26th June 2020, 10.00am Ð 12.30pm

3.    Cornwall Council Ð Drug Alert Briefing

4.    CALC Ð Government Statement

5.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 19th June 2020

6.    Cornwall Council Ð Consultation on Draft Model Code of Conduct

7.    Came & Company Ð Introducing our Private Client Services

8.    Cornwall Council Ð Crowdfund Cornwall Live + Learn: Introduction to Crowdfunding

9.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Covid-19 Update Ð 26th June 2020

10. Cornwall Community Flood Forum Ð Property Flood Resilience Questionnaire

11. Ocean Housing Ð A roadmap of Ocean HousingÕs next steps in responding to Covid-19

12. Cornwall Council Ð Wales & West Utilities Safe & Warm Funding

13. CALC Ð Playgrounds

14. Citizens Advice Cornwall Ð Summer Newsletter

15. Mustard Seed Property Ð Support for Adults with Learning Disabilities in Cornwall

16. Devon & Cornwall Police Ð Neighbourhood Policing Newsletter (Summer 2020)

17. CALC Ð Re-Opening of Playgrounds and Play Areas

18. Great Western Railway Ð Timetable Changes to support easing lockdown

19. CALC Ð The future of Physical Meetings

20. CALC Ð Covid-19 and the Planning Reform Bill

21. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 3rd July 2020

22. CALC Ð Acre Guidelines for re-opening Village Halls & Community Centres

23. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Panel Update

24. Luxulyan Parish Clerk Ð Zoom by Telephone

25. CALC Ð Free Virtual Incident Report Card Training for Tackling Environmental Crime Ð Thursday 9th July from 10.00am to 11.00am

26. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð Employer Role Training

27. Bodmin Police Station Ð July Newsletter and Neighbourhood Team Newsletter for July

28. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 10th July 2020

29. Cornwall Rural Community Charity Ð Online Conference Ð Fresh Ideas for Rural Communities

30. Cornwall Rural Community Charity Ð Community Building Covid-19 Bulletin

31. Clerks & Councillors Direct Magazine

32. Cornwall Rural Community Charity Ð Community Building Covid-19 Bulletin 16th July 2020

33. Bodmin Team Ministry Ð Support Packages for local children, young people and families

34. CALC Ð Parish Councillors unable to attend virtual meetings

35. Cornwall Council Ð Tree Warden Event Invites

36. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Meeting Ð 29th July 2020 from 17.00pm to 18.30pm.

37. CALC Ð Temporary Reduction in VAT Rate






Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  Chairman requested the possibility of changing the September Meeting date from the 17th to the 24th.  Clerk to establish with Councillors by email, if it was preferred to stay with the 17th Councillor O. Sleeman would chair the meeting Action: Clerk.





Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 20th August 2020 at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the Government. 


Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting online this evening.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.20pm.







Date:        20th August 2020