7.00PM |
Present: |
D. Batten (Chairman) |
J. Burdon (Parish
Clerk) |
T. Hancock |
Mrs. J. Dent |
A.J. Barnaby |
Mrs. C. Eddy |
Miss P. Bolton |
Cllr. C. Batters |
Members of Public |
Public Forum:- Chairman reported on the cover slab application from Mr. Shaun Orchard
and suggested we hold a site meeting regarding this as there are a couple of
Councillors that wish to discuss this, in the meantime he asked if the Clerk
would send photographs of cover slabs in the neighbouring Parish. It was suggested to meet in early October
and see what is desired and look at issues Action: Clerk and Chairman to
liaise and arrange a site meeting. It
was agreed to deal with all Cemetery issues in the site meeting. Councillor A.J. Barnaby requested we also
look at the Old Cemetery and the Japanese knotweed issues and deal with this
at the same time. |
Chairman |
Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillor D. Batten declared a
non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School
Governor. Councillor D. Batten declared a
non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport &
Recreation Trust. |
Apologies:- Councillors S. Walker, A.
Harris, Mrs. J. Stickland, C. Vercoe, O. Sleeman Clerk reported a letter of resignation had been
from Councillor Steve Walker. It was resolved Clerk
informs Cornwall Council and action as necessary (Proposed: Councillor D.
Batten; Seconded: Councillor Miss Bolton) Action: Clerk. Clerk reported the
current vacancy had now been advertised by the Parish Council and this would
mean another advertisement would go up from Cornwall Council for two weeks
and following that we could then advertise and co-opt. It was suggested to wait and appoint two
Councillors at the same time (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded:
Councillor A.J. Barnaby) Action: Clerk. It was noted that the
following Councillors have been absent for 6 months due to digital issues and
the Parish Council approves these reasons for Councillor A. Harris and Mrs.
J. Stickland (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J.
Dent) |
Clerk Clerk |
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 20th August
2020:- Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly
Meeting held on the 20th August 2020 as circulated were confirmed
as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the
Chairman at a future physical meeting (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten;
Seconded: Councillor A.J. Barnaby) |
Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 20th
August 2020:- Page
1 Min. 156/20 Use of Community Centre Hall:-
Chairman reported he is currently in discussions with Barry Cornelius about
this and the Clerk has been liaising with CALC to ensure we are Covid
compliant. Page 2 Min.53/20 Yurt at Nanstallon:- Update received from
Cornwall Councillor C. Batters in his report earlier this evening. Page 2 Min.116/20 Vehicles striking Dropped
Update received from Cornwall Councillor C. Batters in his report earlier
this evening. Page 2 Min.122/20 Internal Auditors Report:- Clerk reported the matters raised will be
dealt with in due course by herself and the Chairman Action: Clerk/Chairman. Page 2 Min.125/20 Seat at Reperry:- An email was received from a parishioner
thanking all concerned for supplying the super new seat at Reperry
Cross. It has been lovely to be able
to sit up there and admire the view again.
It should last for many years being made of recycled plastic. She was also pleased to see that the
remembrance plaque had been transferred to the new seat. Page 2 Min.131/20 Mulching at Cemetery:- Clerk reported she had contacted the Parish
Tree Warden and he had advised he has checked over the Cemetery trees and the
grass has died back enough to apply the mulch and confirmed he can be at the
Cemetery this Friday afternoon. Clerk
to ask if he is going to spread mulch on top and stake the trees Action:
Clerk to speak to him and ask him to call the Chairman. Page 2 Min.141/20 Highway Issues:- Update received from Cornwall Councillor C.
Batters in his report earlier this evening. Page 3 Min.151/20 Later Closing Time of
Public Conveniences:- Clerk reported a
response had been received advising AJH Services would revert back to the
contracted opening and closing times. Page 3 Min.161/20 Planning Enforcement Query
in respect of caravans in Field at Lamorick- Update received from Cornwall Councillor C.
Batters in his report earlier this evening. Page 4 Min.162/20 Consultation on Lanivet
Speed Reduction Measures:- Clerk reported a
response had been received confirming the Parish Council comments had been
noted and they would let us know the outcome of the consultation once the
decision has been made on how the scheme will proceed. Page 8 Min.170/20 Grasscutting Complaints
received:- Clerk reported a response had been received
from the Contractor advising on the last cut all grass was collected and
carried away in the lorry, he saw the lorry himself full of grass. He suggested if there is any grass on the
triangle that is because when they took it on from the Council it was up over
their knees as had been let go. He
confirmed he spoke with his work men and they have said on the graves in the
old cemetery it is all dead weeds that they strim down as fed up of seeing
them like it. Apparently for months he has been saying it all needs spraying
again and apparently the man that does the knotweed is meant to go through
and spray all the graves, he advised he would be happy to do this if
authorised no problem at all. He is
going to be carrying out the next cut himself so will go through everything
with a fine-tooth comb and check. He
did mention the old cemetery graves advising that some of them need sorting
as they have fallen in by about 2-3 foot, it is ankle killer, also they do go
through and blow off all graves once finished which he will ensure to check
every time. Page 9 Min.173/20 Works in Public
Conveniences:- Clerk reported the
necessary work is in hand. |
Chairman Clerk/
Chairman |
Monthly Report from
Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:-
Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported as follows:- ·
at Nanstallon they have been asked to remove and enforcement have issued
orders for the removal and apparently it is being taken to appeal and it has
to remain there until the appeal has gone through. There is no anyone will be able to build
there but it is currently in abeyance. ·
issues have been reported and they initially become the concern of South West
Water and they have to action and then Cormac need to follow up with relevant
repairs. ·
Housing query on Facebook has been answered. ·
highways issues have been reported and unless anyone lets him know if matters
have been dealt with, he would not know at this stage. ·
S. Walkers resignation he would like to comment that her has been an
excellent Councillor and has been since he started with the Parish Council,
and they have worked brilliantly together.
Sadly, people like him are a loss to any Committee or Parish Council. ·
to face meetings, he will still not attend because Cornwall Council says
no. Risk assessments are needed. Cornwall Council are possibly not going
back to meetings until at the least the end of November. Chairman
thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report. |
Highway Issues/Footpath
Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish:- Highway Issues:- None. Footpaths:- None. Damaged Signs in the
Parish:- None. |
Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: - Clerk
reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the
following statement:- Due to the
restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic
Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Lanivet Parish
Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the
next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council. PA20/06566 Tremore Christian Fellowship Listed Building Consent for the
Replacement of rotted cast iron guttering and downpipes with an aluminium
equivalent to the same design, Tremore Manor, Bodmin Support (Proposed:
Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)
PA20/06666 George Lewis, Cornwall Community Land Trust Construction of 15 new sustainable,
affordable homes, Land South of Clann Lane, Lanivet - Support (Proposed:
Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) PA20/06968 Mr. Matthew Cotton Works to tree namely Ash Tree (T3)
has Ash die back subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), Old Coach
House, Access to Manor, Lanivet Follow recommendations of County Tree
Officers comments (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor
Mrs. J. Dent) PA20/07140 Mrs. J. Storry Erection of conservatory to the
front, Clann View, Clann Lane, Lanivet - Go along with County Planning
Officers comments (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor
Mrs. C. Eddy) PA20/06758 Mr. & Mrs. J. Orchard Listed Building Consent for proposed
change of internal layout, The Mill, Lanivet - Go along with County
Planning Officers comments (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded:
Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy) Planning Results:- PA20/01512/PREAPP Mr. Richard Jasper Pre-application advice for
refurbishment, change of use and extension of the former chapel to a cycle lodge
and associated works, Former Chapel, Tretoil Hill, Lanivet Closed
Advice Given |
Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk |
Accounts & Any
Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following
accounts for September 2020 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed:
Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy): -
Clerk |
Covid-19 Nominations for
the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall:- It was
resolved to put forward Barry and Gill Cornelius for doing so much work in the
Parish and support other parishes as well (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten;
Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Clerk. |
Clerk |
Lanivet Parish
Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Chairman
reported the planning application has been received and it is very detailed. |
Lanivet Parish Sport
& Recreation Trust Update:-
Email report received from Mr. D. Carter as follows:- Firstly the One For All The
hall is still open complying with all regulations, all necessary Risk
Assessments are carried out and the Hall is considered Covid-19 secure.
Painting and Decorating of the various rooms and hallway are complete and the
sound system in the main hall has been upgraded to give cinematic sound for
film nights when they return, sound has also been improved by the
installation of acoustic panels on the walls. Automatic door closures in the
case of fire have also been installed. This is part of our continuing
programme to keep the community centre
in tip top condition. Meeting and
activities are again taking place indoors and sports and exercise outdoors
including full team football both normal and walking football. Netball teams,
tennis and daily use by school children under the supervision of Plymouth
Argyle Academy are also back in full swing.
Work on the new Cafι extension has started on 14th September, an update on progress will be in
October report. Secondly Covid-19 Similar
to last month: Barry Cornelius and his team are continuing with their efforts
working in conjunction with the local surgeries, deliveries and collections
of supplies are now on as and when needed basis and the need seems to have
declined considerably. Transport to hospital appointments are increasing
including Derriford Hospital. All this is free to residents of Lanivet Parish
with the help of Lanivet Parish Council, however, occasionally we do get
called upon to support other areas and for this there is a small charge. We are constantly in discussions with the
two main surgeries planning and preparing for future eventualities. The local surgeries are now carrying out
flu jabs for the local population at the Community Centre on various
Saturdays starting on the 19th September. Chairman
advised we are continually thankful for David Carter for these reports, even
though not a member but for keeping the Parish Council informed. |
Community Network Panel
Meeting Update:- Councillor
Mrs. J. Dent reported via email as follows:-
The next planned meeting is the 30th September 2020. She did
meet online with Sarah Simms to discuss the possible agenda. Details
following the Chairs meeting have been circulated. ·
Sarah Simms informed her that members wanted to meet more regularly than
quarterly. However, no agenda items had been forthcoming and due to capacity
pressures, it is suggested that meetings are held every other month -
reserving the right to call an additional extra ordinary meeting if required.
There is also work on going looking at the relevant guidance in
order to open meetings to the general public again (albeit virtually). This
is not likely to be in operation for Septembers meeting. |
Lanivet Village
Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter (Including Quote from Outdoor Play
People):- Play Equipment and Quote
from Outdoor Play People:- Clerk had circulated the quote received as follows:- Bird Nest Swing Total delivered and installed
£2,128.00; Cableway Option 1 £319.00 or Option 2 £1,173.00; Torpoint -
£554.00 Parish Council to do themselves; Steel Swings - £213.00; Infant Swing
Option 1 £780.00 or Option 2 £1,301.00 Totals as per final page of quotation - £4,061.00 Chairman proposed we ask Councillor T. Hancock to
liaise with the Clerk and suppliers and we set a limit of £5,000.00 to
maximise the benefit to repairs and maintenance of the equipment and we also
obtain quotes for staining and painting all the equipment on an annual
basis. He believes we will need a
quotation for staining and painting as if it is significant, we include in
the budget going forward (Proposed:
Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent) Action: Clerk. Lanivet Car Park:- No update. Bus
Shelters:- No update. Chairman welcomed Mr. Shaun
Orchard, member of the public to the meeting this evening at 8.00pm. |
Hancock |
Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported
via email all is fine on the Camel Trail.
Work continues on the riverbank towards Grogley, and the bridge
remains open to cyclists and pedestrians. Email
received from Cormac Environment Camel Trail Update September 2020
attaching an update as social distancing and limited group measures are still
in force. |
Cemetery Matters (Including any
applications for memorials, inscriptions):- Email had been circulated from Shaun Orchard as
reported last month. Chairman reported
to Mr. Orchard that it had been resolved to hold a site meeting with Mr. Shaun Orchard and some members
of the Parish Council in early October and Clerk to liaise to arrange a
couple of suitable dates. If we are
all together, we can see what the implications are, and it will help as a
Parish Council to discuss this way.
Mr. Shaun Orchard was happy with this arrangement Action: Clerk and Chairman. Mr. Shaun Orchard left the meeting at 8.05pm. Email
received from Viv and Gill Blake putting in a complaint about the damage done
to their Mothers gravestone. This is situated at the rear of the cemetery in
the cremation plots and is near the wall adjacent to where she lived her
ashes are interred there. They can only assume that the mower has driven
straight over it. They first noticed this
last year, but the most recent damage was just after Christmas. Their mother
passed away on the 27th December 2001 and they usually put flowers or
something on that date. They went to visit in early January to check on the
small arrangement they had put there and were appalled to find everything
shredded including the oasis the arrangement had been in and the plastic crumpled.
How heartless is the person driving the mower not to see this arrangement
never mind the gravestones? They would like to claim against the Parish
Council for the damage to the stone as they are having a new one made. In the
meantime, they raised the ground to one side and have put a border around it
and the one next door which is their Grandparents. Nobody should mistakenly
run over it now and pictures were sent. On a more cheerful note there is a
lot of unused grass area in the cemetery they asked whether this could this
be turned over to a wildflower section to encourage back bees and butterflies
as they are sadly in decline. If this is done there would less area to cut so
hopefully costing the Parish Council less to cut the cemetery only to tidy it
once a year. Hope this can be brought to attention of the next meeting. It was agreed the Clerk
initially goes back to the complainants to request information when
permission had been granted for both stones to be put on the gravespace. Clerk to also look back through to
establish whether permission had been granted. It was noted that they would need to
establish evidence to prove this damage was carried out by the
Contractor. We would also at some
stage need to know what they expect from the Parish Council 9 months after
reporting the damage. Once all
information is to hand it was suggested we could hold a site meeting if
necessary, to discuss Action: Clerk. Clerk reported that currently Councillor S. Walker
marks the grave spaces when there is a burial and he would be happy to assist
in showing someone to do this if anyone was interested. Clerk advised she would be receiving
relevant paperwork back from Councillor S. Walker to check against hers and a
copy could then be passed out to anyone interested in this role. Councillor A.J. Barnaby expressed an
interest in taking on this role Action: Clerk and Councillor A.J. Barnaby to arrange to
meet with Councillor S. Walker. |
Chairman Clerk Clerk/Cllr.
A.J. Barnaby |
Conveniences Update:- Clerk
reported the repairs were in hand.
Another small repair to the tap had to be actioned in between
meetings. With regards to the isolator
tap details had been received and Councillor T. Hancock had been unable to
move the tap, Clerk had heard back from South West Water who confirmed they
had sent a request to the wholesaler and they would keep the Parish Council
updated but they may arrange access to the stop tap, respecting social
distancing measures Action: Keep pending. Councillor
A.J. Barnaby reported he could use his long-handled stop cock key and see if
it works Action: Councillor A.J. Barnaby to action. Chairman
suggested we sent a formal thank you to Patrick Townsend for assisting with
works carried out recently in the public conveniences at short notice Action Clerk. Chairman
reported he will take some meter readings of water when he is out of
isolation Action: Chairman. |
Clerk Cllr. A.J. Barnaby Clerk Chairman |
Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk
reported the Website and Facebook are being updated regularly. Clerk queried how the report would be
dealt with for the newsletter now as Councillor S. Walker used to deal with
this. Chairman reported he does a
monthly report to the Newsletter and he can liaise directly with the Clerk or
Kay Walker who produces the newsletter. Clerk reported an Accessibility Statement had been
provided by Dinah Crellin and would be put on the website in line with the
email recently received from CALC, although Dinah had been dealing with this
over the last few months, so it is brought in line. Councillors were happy with the
Accessibility Statement as set out (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded:
Councillor A.J. Barnaby) Action: Clerk. |
Clerk |
Correspondence:- 1.
Council Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update 21st August
2020; 4th September 2020 2.
Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2020-2021 3.
Police Station August Newsletters 4.
Council Pensions Annual Benefit Statements (ABSs) delayed 5.
Surfacing Highway Maintenance Work A389 Bodmin 6.
Lieutenant of Cornwall Covid: Nominations for Letters of Thanks 7.
Rebuilding Communities 8.
CLT August 2020 News 9.
Council Your Councils Invitation to Cornwall Plannings Local Council
Conferences 2020 10. CALC FAQ12 Local Council Meetings 11. CALC Pay Award 2020/2021- New Pay
Scales and Hourly Rates 12. CALC Website Accessibility
Regulations Link to recent Webinar Recording 13. Great Western Railway Extension to
Emergency Measures Agreement 14. CALC Neighbourhood Plan Information 15. Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust
Annual Public Meeting to be held on the 17th September 2020 16. Devon & Cornwall Police Citizens
in Policing Crowdfunding Community Resilience Fund 17. Holly Whitelaw Climate/Environmental
Action Questions 18. CALC Online Conference on Wilding
Friday 18th September 2020 at 10.00am 19. CALC Job Vacancies 20. Cormac Solutions Town & Parish
Council Highways Update 21. CALC Rebuilding Communities 22. Hygiene 2 Health Limited Health
& Safety Support 23. Cornwall Community Flood Forum Free
Support for Businesses in Cornwall 24. Cornwall Council Pensions
Consultation on reforming Local Government exit pay 25. Cornwall Council Town & Parish
Council Bulletin: New drive-through flu vaccination services 26. Cornwall Council Carbon Neutral
Cornwall Hive Online Event Saturday 26th September 2020, 1.00pm
4.00pm 27. Cornwall Community Flood Forum
Invitation to Cornwall Community Flood Forums Annual Conference 28. Alan Percy Affordable Housing
provision in Cornwall 29. Cornwall Council Pensions Employer
Newsletter (September 2020) 30. London Hearts Parish & Town
Council £200 Defibrillator Grant 31. CALC Request for assistance with
volunteer recruitment programme flu vaccination drive-through centres 32. CALC Urgent Clarification on The
Rule of Council Meetings 33. Clerks & Councillors Direct
Magazine 34. CALC The six-month rule What
meetings count as attendance 35. CALC Local Councillors and the
six-month rule 36. Building at Risk Casework Officer
Cornish buildings at risk |
Urgent Parish Matters
with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for
the next agenda):- None. |
Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 15th October 2020
at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the
Government, although it was noted we may possibly change this date for
Councillors that want to use the hall or change the time to 8.15pm but this
would be confirmed by the Clerk and Chairman in good time. There
being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.26pm. |
Chairman Date: 15th October 2020 |