
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. O. Sleeman



Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. C. Vercoe

Cllr. A. Barnaby


Cllr S. Walker

Cllr. T. Hancock

Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


2 Members of Public







Public Forum:-  Two Members of public in attendance.  Mr. Daniel Austin was waiting to hear discussions over a planning application this evening and would be just listening in.  Mr. Shaun Orchard initially attended and then left the meeting again.  He emailed the Clerk for the outcome of the cover slab request under Cemetery Matters.  Carolyn Elliott joined the meeting and just wished to listen in on this occasion.


Chair reported having spoken to several Councillors he is proposing from next month’s meeting to see how they can set up the large room in the Community Centre so that it is Covid-19 compliant and those Councillors who wish to meet there can do and he would also speak with Barry Cornelius about public compliance.  However, if we advertise the Zoom references for people to attend, we can cover all the basis of access by the general public to the Parish Council Meeting.  Clerk reported a Risk Assessment would need to also be carried out and written up by the Parish Council.  Chairman reported that Barry Cornelius, Manager of the Community Centre will have already carried out a Risk Assessment to be Covid-19 compliant (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action: Chairman.














Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.

Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust. 

Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest in respect of planning application PA20/06367 – Mr. R. Newman.

Councillor S. Walker declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Village Newsletter.

Councillor D. Carter declared via email a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust and Lanivet United Charity Trust as he had sent a report this evening.



Apologies:- Councillors D. Carter, A. Harris, Mrs. J. Stickland, Mrs. J. Dent, Mrs. C. Eddy


Email with information on future meetings received from CALC including information on the 6-month rule as follows:  As previously advised, a member who fails to attend any meeting of the Council for a period of 6 calendar months automatically loses their seat unless the Council has agreed to a request for an extension at a properly convened meeting.



Members giving apologies for absence is not the same as asking for an extension of the period of absence and therefore those who have sent apologies rather than attend a virtual meeting will be caught out under the legislation. NALC advises that the six-month period runs regardless of whether the Council has met or not.


Clerk advised she had followed up for clarification and CALC had responded advising it means that a Councillor who is likely to exceed the six months period of absence can apply in writing for an extension.  For example, if a member was absent for 5 months due to recovery from a serious health issue and thought they would be back in a couple of months – the Council could consider an application to extend the six months to eight or nine months.  The request must be considered by the council at a meeting before the end of the six months as it relates to extending the period.  It cannot be done retrospectively.



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 16th July 2020:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 16th July 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the Chairman at a future physical meeting (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 16th July 2020:-


Page 1 Min.53/20 Yurt at Nanstallon:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters advised this had been reported, however, no Officers are currently going out on site, so it will be actioned in due course Action: Keep Pending.


Page 1 Min.116/20 Vehicles striking Dropped Drain:-  Clerk reported this had been forwarded to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters to follow up Action: Cornwall Councillor C. Batters would follow up again.


Page 1 Min.122/20 Internal Auditors Report:-  Clerk reported the matters raised will be dealt with in due course by herself and the Chairman Action: Clerk/Chairman.


Page 1 Min.125/20 Seat at Reperry Cross:-  Clerk reported that bench had now been delivered to the Community Hall.  Councillor S. Walker reported he is still waiting to meet with The Lawn Ranger.  He has spoken to a workman and they have strimmed in front of the bench but not as much done as asked but it is in hand.


Page 2 Min.131/20 Mulching at Cemetery:-  Clerk reported the Parish Tree Warden had confirmed he would take a look with a view to undertaking the work mid/late afternoon this week Action: Keep Pending.


Page 3 Min.141/20 Highway Issues:-  Clerk reported she had not received any information with regards to the issues reported Action: Cornwall Councillor C. Batters would follow up again.


Page 3 Min.141/20 Footpaths:-  Clerk reported a response had been received from Cornwall Council advising if the Contractor can manage three cuts within the budget, they are happy for this to be included.  Clerk reported she had spoken with Max Simpson and he is very happy to carry out the 3 cuts for the total amount allocated from Cornwall Council.

Page 7 Min.148/20 Baker Toms visiting Lanivet:-  Clerk reported a response had been received thanking the Parish Council so much and they would share with colleagues and look forward to continuing.


Page 8 Min.151/20 Later Closing Time of Public Conveniences:-  Clerk reported a response had been received as follows – Logistically she has been trying to work out the how to do with other parishes sticking to their Covid-19 regime.  She can understand Lanivet Parish wanting their toilet block open longer to accommodate both the visitors and locals alike.  While it is feasible, she would like to make an alternative suggestion.  Would the Parish Council consider the same time closing for the Ladies and Gents, and leaving the Disabled open for general use temporarily whilst Covid-19 is still present?  This would allow her the ability to honour contracts with other parishes and also accommodate users.  She would also be prepared to have signs printed and attached to the gates and also on the disabled door to inform the public.  It was resolved to request she adheres to her contracted hours as set (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.



Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Clerk/ Chairman









Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


















Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported as follows:-

·         He has been very busy this week and has no report available at the present time.

·         Chairman raised potholes on the entrance to the village.  There is a pothole on the dual carriageway link road down past St. Benets Abbey.  The response he had after reporting was that it was not 40cm deep and then he received another response advising it had been dealt with.  There are two signs advising temporary road surface.  He is concerned they are putting up temporary signs advising of these issues.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported he has a response from Rachael Tatlow but is unable to access his computer at the present time.  It is scheduled to be actioned but unfortunately there is a process and list to be followed. 

·         Councillor S. Walker asked where we are with planning enforcement as he spoke with Councillor A. Harris in respect of some caravans in a field just up the road from him, a post box has appeared, and it seems nothing is being done.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported the team are not back fully at work and enforcement is one of the weakest areas in planning.  They have been on this site from roundabout Christmas time.  Councillor S. Walker requested Cornwall Councillor C. Batters follows up urgently Action: Cornwall Councillor C. Batters.

·         Councillor O. Sleeman raised anti-social behaviour in Lamorick.  This has been raised again and he believes the person is now on a final warning.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters advised that every time anything happens, the parishioners follow up with either him or the police.

·         Councillor Miss P. Bolton thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for all his assistance with the parking issues at the Cream Teas Cafι.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters suggested some signs being erected to say no parking whatsoever.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters left the meeting at 7.37pm.














Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Consultation on Lanivet Speed Reduction Measures):-


Highway Issues:- None.


Footpaths:-  None.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Consultation on Lanivet Speed Reduction Measures:-  It was resolved to support these proposals (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor O. Sleeman) Action: Clerk.










Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Lanivet Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


Comments received from a member of public in respect of the following planning application who is concerned about the access point to Clann Lane:-

PA20/05381 – Mr. Paul Williams – Construction of 2 x detached houses on existing garden plot of Fontana. Plot 1 with internal garage and Plot 2 with detached garage. New Access to highway for existing property, Fontana to provide parking, Fontana, Clann Lane, Lanivet – Parish Council to go along with the County Planning Officer’s recommendations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)


PA20/04895 – Mr. Philip Blackett – Proposed ground floor extension, Roundhouse Barn, Lanivet – Parish Council to go along with the County Planning Officer’s recommendations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)


Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registered interest in respect of the following planning application:-

PA20/06367 – Mr. R. Newman – Listed Building Consent for repairs to upper stage of tower and provision of new roof structure, St. Benets Abbey, Truro Road, Lanivet – Support (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor C. Vercoe)


For Information Only PA20/01512/PREAPP – Mr. Richard Jasper – Pre-application advice for refurbishment, change of use and extension of the former chapel to a cycle lodge and associated works, Former Chapel, Tretoil Hill, Lanivet























Government’s Plans to overhaul the Planning System:- Letter from Looe Town Council advising this may have huge implications for Town and Parish Councils across Cornwall with build, build, build being at the forefront.  They are confident that Parishes will be in agreement that this would be a total loss of ‘Localism’ which means not being able to protect infrastructure and the qualities of our sea and townscape which makes Cornwall such a special place.  Concern has been raised by Councillor David Renard spokesman for Local Government Association for Housing and Planning who said: ''We urge the Government to act on these independent findings and remove permitted development rights. Developers must no longer be allowed to bypass the planning system and local communities must be able to have a say on all new developments in their area. 

It is vital that councils and local communities have a voice in the planning process and are able to oversee all local developments so councils can deliver resilient, prosperous places that meet the needs of their communities”.  Refer to  to be able to read his full article. As valued colleagues to Looe Town Council we would be very interested to know what stance Lanivet Parish Council has on this matter and what course of action will be taken against this proposal. They would hate to see the loss of Planning Committees which gives a valued platform to our communities. Looe Town Council will be writing to their MP to voice concern and lobby support and they would be keen to see if there is a collective voice we could bring to bear on this matter.  They look forward to receiving any comments and working to get clarity on the Government’s proposal and ensuring we get the best for our communities.


It was resolved to leave in abeyance for the time being until official paperwork is received to comment.



Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for August 2020 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor O. Sleeman): - 

Jack Kingdon Plant Hire


Fit Access Barriers

Eric Brown Plumbing & Heating


Maintenance – Toilets

Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust



British Gas – Electric for Toilets


10/6/20 – 10/7/20

Kedel Limited



Paul Bazeley Bus Shelter Cleaning


July 2020

Lloyds Bank – Bank Charges


August 2020

DMC IT – Website Maintenance


July 2020



Hard Drives

Eric Brown Plumbing & Heating


Maintenance – Toilets

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


August 2020

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


July 2020

Inland Revenue


July 2020














SSL Certificate for Lanivet Website Hosting and Security:-  It was reported by Councillor O. Sleeman that it looks like the Parish Council Website gets around 20-30 visits a day (although we do not know how many are unique visits, i.e. different people, he imagines unique visits would be much lower).  There was no significant spike at the time Covid-19 hit, which is interesting.  We do not get much traffic to the site, more likely used to access meeting minutes he believes.  It was resolved to leave in abeyance as we consider an SSL Certificate is unnecessary at this time (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action: Clerk.








Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Chairman had circulated an email advising the latest headlines are as follows:


·         The application is now ready to lodge this week.  He would share the planning portal reference when he receives it.

Future Management

As per the previous discussions, the main options around management relate to the following:

·         Ownership – can be either by local Community Land Trust or Cornwall Community Land Trust.  At present we are proceeding on the basis that CCLT will purchase the site.

·         Tenure – the main options are Discounted Sale, Shared Ownership, Affordable Rent, Social Rent.  At present Homes England (who are the principal source of Grant Subsidy) are not offering support for Discounted Sale.  You will recall that  the cost of building the homes tends to be higher than the Sales value and we therefore require grant to bridge the gap.

·         Planning policy – recent discussions with the Cornwall Council Affordable Housing Team confirm that the requirement is still for 70% rental and 30% ownership (which would be Shared Ownership as per the above).  While in the past other groups such as St Minver CLT have secured a higher proportion of owned properties, our recent discussions with them have not produced any workable way of doing this on Lanivet.  This can be revisited but it should be noted that the St Minver self-build/ finish approach requires a lot of administrative resource.  If Lanivet HWP would like to explore this as an alternative option, we could arrange a Zoom meeting with St Minver CLT to discuss their learning over the last 10+ years.

·         Management - CCLT has had an early discussion with one Housing Association who have expressed an interest in managing the scheme and will be progressing discussions with two more.  If these bear fruit, then the broad proposal is for CCLT to retain ownership of the land and lease the homes to the Housing Association.  The HA may take on responsibility for the construction of the homes.  Alternatively, CCLT may retain the homes and manage them itself, potentially using a Housing Association as the managing agent.

In short, the recommended approach is to lodge the application based on 70% rental and 30% Shared Ownership.  This can be reviewed if desired as set out above.  Lanivet HWP will have the opportunity to input into the Local Lettings Plan and we can share a draft of this document to show how issues such as Anti-Social behaviour are dealt with, for example.  It will also be important to ensure that the rental properties are kept well maintained and presentable.

Use of open land

The main options still being explored are to use the land for energy generation or public or private amenity land.  CCLT is also aware of funding streams that support small holdings, and this is being considered as a potential alternative.  Finally, South West Water are undertaking a number of tree planting schemes across Cornwall and CCLT have made contact to test if Lanivet might be a potential site for one of these.

Please forward this update on to the Housing Working Party and let me know if there are any queries or concerns about any of the above.  As you know we have had a number of households express an interest in the homes and I will be letting them know that the planning application has been lodged.

If the Housing Working Party would like a more detailed update via ‘Zoom’ we would be happy to facilitate this.

Councillor Miss P. Bolton believes a planning application has been submitted but nothing heard to date Action: Clerk to follow up to establish whether this is the case.

















































Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Councillor D. Carter reported via email as follows:-


Firstly the One For All

The hall is now open again complying with all regulations, the necessary risk assessments having been carried out the Hall is considered Covid-19 secure.

Meeting are taking place including those booked by Cornwall Council and the NHS, Plymouth Argyle Football Club Youth activity training, various bookings are coming in and slowly heading toward the new normal. 

Progress is being made toward starting the new extension

Secondly Covid-19


Barry Cornelius and his team are continuing with their efforts working in conjunction with the local surgeries. Deliveries and collections are now on "as and when" needed basis, rather than a daily service. Transport to hospital appointments are increasing. All this is free to residents of Lanivet Parish, however occasionally we do get called upon to support other areas and for this there is a small charge. 

We are constantly in discussions with the two main surgeries planning and preparing for future eventualities.


Chairman thanked Councillor D. Carter for his continued reports from the Lanivet Parish Sport and Recreation Trust.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported via email as follows:-  She was unable to link into the last meeting so have nothing to report and Sarah Sims is on holiday, so she was unable to obtain an update.  She did, however, see the Highways information had been sent out to the Parish Council.  Chairman reported the Church of England employee had started a scheme in Bodmin for vulnerable children.  There is a project in hand, and this is on-going and is being taken up by some of the Cornwall Councillors on the Network Panel.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter:-   Chair had received an email advising of several queries on the frequency of grass cutting of the Village Green, it does seem that it is left to get extremely long before it gets cut and then because of length it is not being cut short enough.  The Contract was queried whether it was 1 cut every 6 weeks which is what is happening at the moment.  Clerk reported the Grass Cutting Contract states  to be cut approximately every 28 days from the 1st April for a total of 9 cuts.


Grasscutting issues reported in the Cemetery as well with grass not being picked up and left in a very untidy state.  It seems a mower has not cut the grass and there is evidence of grass being cut when it was long, and it has been left on some of the grave spaces.  When he went to the Village Cemetery it looked like it had not been cut for several weeks.


There is a triangle of grass up by the Church in the village that does not appear to have been cut either.  He spoke to The Lawn Ranger about three weeks ago about meeting regarding cutting at Reperry.  He had concerns of people complaining about grass not being cut in various areas of the Parish. 


It was resolved to send a letter reminding The Lawn Ranger that we have been receiving a number of complaints from parishioners about grasscutting within the village, in particular, the Village Green, Triangle, Cemetery and also that long dried grass being left on some of the graves and this should be taken away.  Please can I remind you this is what you are contracted to do. We would request he personally reviews and even go and look at areas (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker) Action:  Clerk.


Play Equipment:- Chairman reported the swing basket has had to be removed for some repairs.  The swing basket needs replacing as Rospa report confirmed this.   Clerk to contact Outdoor Play People and pass information of Councillor T. Hancock for some work required and request they meet him on site.  Councillor S. Walker proposed we also ask Outdoor Play People take a good look at the equipment and see what their recommendations are  (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk to pass on Councillors T. Hancock and S. Walker’s contact information to arrange a site meeting to discuss all issues raised.


Clerk reported paperwork had now been sent in respect of re-opening the Play Area to the public with advice on what people visiting should adhere to.


Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.






























Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported via email that the trail is as busy as ever, but all seems to be running smoothly.  The new surface is a great hit and although does allow bike speeds to be increased, it also ensures people use the whole width of the trail without dodging potholes.  Major construction is continuing on the riverbank at Grogley, but it is not affecting the use of the trail.



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- Memorial application received from Drew Memorials for slate tablet for the late Tracey Michelle Leach, to be interred as yet.  It was resolved to request who Josh was on one of the hands and why the other hands are blank and to confirm how many interments they were thinking of having as there can only be two in a plot (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action:  Clerk.


Clerk reported on email received from Shaun Orchard (and his Grandmother, Mrs. Sophie Orchard) requesting that the plans for his Grandfather’s grave slab, would be looked at again.  This is something they strongly believe in and they have maintained the grave since 2013.  They believe that having a slab would make it much more tidy and easier to maintain/cut grass around, than the current wooden kerb, as the slab proposed is only 2 inches thick and would be 6 foot long and 38 inches wide and once settled into the soil it will probably only be the same level as the soil. 



They have been to the Cemetery and there are a total number of 49 (names can be supplied if needed) graves with kerbstones in the same Cemetery as his Grandfather, so they do not feel that this would be setting a precedent. They will always look after the grave and keep it tidy and clean advising they will be prepared to accept conditions that they will be responsible for the upkeep of the gravespace, a lot of their family members and friends are buried in Roche Cemetery and from many of the examples there you can see how the graves with slabs are maintained.  Photographs were sent of his Grandfather’s grave and the close proximity to the ones with kerbsets. It was resolved to ask Mr. Orchard to attend the next meeting either at the Community Hall or on Zoom and present their case (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action:  Clerk.






















Public Conveniences Update:-  Chairman reported there had been some complaints recently in respect of the doors not locking properly and that a tap does not work.  The Clerk had followed up with AJH Services to establish the issues.  AJH Services advised the door in question is the Mother/Baby door and she had previously mentioned there is no lock to fasten it shut.  The tap does work, though it does need some pressure behind it.  She believes people are trying to turn it rather than push down.  Clerk and Councillor S. Walker both advised these issues had not been reported to them.  Clerk advised she had requested that in future AJH Services emails the Parish Council direct, rather than call or text with any issues, so we have a paper trail.


AJH Services reported the cubicle door to the mother/baby unit, does indeed need shaving to allow the door to close properly.  In the Gents Toilets, the door lock is missing, it’s little handle for ease if sliding.  Also, someone has drilled a significant hole directly through the door, to give a peephole, toilet paper is constantly being put in to block the hole.


Councillor S. Walker had suggested the Parish Council needs to employ another Handyman that we can call on to deal with these sorts of problems.  He has an interested party and is concerned they would not have the level of public liability indemnity insurance that we are now expected to ask for.   The gentleman in question would charge £15.00 per hour and he has £1m public liability insurance.


It was resolved the Clerk liaises with the Handyman to carry out the work required at this time as a matter of urgency (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action:  Clerk.




















Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported the Website and Facebook are being updated regularly.   Councillor S. Walker reported




1.    Great Western Railway – More Rail Services for Devon and Cornwall

2.    CALC – FAQ 11 including Update on Meetings

3.    Cornwall Council – Support Packages for local children, young people and families

4.    Edward George – Tree Pruning

5.    Great Western Railway – Department of Transport asks for ideas to decarbonise transport

6.    CALC – Supporting the Countryside

7.    Cornwall Council Pensions – Employer Newsletter – July 2020

8.    CALC – New Planning Legislation comes into force today

9.    Gareth Cann, Cormac – Camel Trail E.A. Works

10. Cornwall Council – Cornwall Council Community Governance Review – Specific request for information following Stage 3 Consultation

11. Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update – 24th July 2020; 7th August 2020

12. Cornwall Council Pensions – Consultations

13. Cornwall Council – Introducing the Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive – Online Engagement Platform

14. CALC – St. Dominic Parish Council – Request for Locum Assistance

15. Cornwall Council – Position on Financial Support for Town and Parish Councils through the Covid-19 Pandemic

16. CALC – Free Virtual Training on using the Incident Report Card – Wednesday 5th August 2020 14.00-15.00pm

17. Great Western Railway – Devon & Cornwall Service Update

18. Cornwall Council – Business & Planning Act 2020 – Pavement Licensing

19. Cormac Solutions Limited – EDG1787 – Lanivet Speed Restriction Measures

20. Cornwall Council – Planning News for Local Councils and Agents – July 2020 Edition now available

21. Cornwall Council – Training on using the Incident Report Card – Wednesday 5th August 2020 14.00-15.00pm

22. Cornwall Community Flood Forum – South West Property Flood Resilience Pathfinder: Property Flood Resilience Awareness Questionnaire

23. Came & Company Insurance - Latest Insights

24. CALC – Eligibility of Town & Parish Councils for various Business Grants

25. Cornwall Council and CALC – Fixed Penalty Notice Training Course – Thursday 13th August 2020 10.00am – 12.30pm

26. Ocean Housing Group – Corporate Strategy Summary 2020-25

27. CALC – Electric Car Charging Points

28. Sarah Sims – Highways Scheme Update

29. Great Western Railway – Travel Safely this Summer

30. Cornwall Council – Climate Emergency DPD – Consultation on Draft Planning Policy

31. Cormac Surfacing – Highway Maintenance Work – A389 Bodmin

32. Cornwall Council & CALC – Invitation to join the Council’s Planning Live Event on Planning Reform 2020 – 18th August 2020 from 10.00-11.30am

33. CALC – Covid-19 Financial Support from Cornwall Council – Proposed Webinar

34. Cormac Surfacing – Notification of Highway Works – A389 Sladesbridge to Washaway

35. Cornwall Council – Town & Parish Council Bulletin: Eligibility of Town & Parish Councils for various Business Grant

36. Cornwall Council – Marine European Sites SPD Consultation

37. CALC – FAQ12 – Local Council Meetings

38. Cornwall Council Pensions – August 2020 Employer Newsletter

39. CALC – IMLP Proceeds of Crime Act Grants

40. Alan Percy – Affordable Housing Secondary Parish Definitions

41. CALC – Smaller Councils Meeting – Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 at 2.30pm

42. Came & Company Local Council Insurance – Access the online hub of use Resources and Guides

43. Cornwall Council – The Cornwall We Want Posters

44. Cormac Solutions – Town & Parish Council – Highways & Environment Update



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  Chairman reported he had received a letter of retirement from Councillor David Carter, which he would forward to the Clerk.  He wants to arrange a presentation; which he would organise  It was resolved Clerk informs Cornwall Council (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action:  Clerk.






Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 17th September 2020 at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the Government. 


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.20pm.




Signature:               ………………………………………………



Date:        17th September 2020